Stay Energized with Our Avondale Office Coffee and Water
Filtration Service

vending machines and water filtration in Avondale

Indulge your team with a premium Avondale office coffee service. Our service includes everything you need to create a coffee house-like experience in your Avondale breakroom. Employees can make specialty coffees using a single-cup coffee brewer. Or, grind fresh coffee beans on the spot with our bean-to-cup coffee service. We also offer traditional office coffee brewers that make coffee by the pot. Employees can also personalize their cup of coffee with creamer, sweetener, and more. Savor even better coffee and tea with our Avondale water filtration service. Filtered water removes impurities, improving the flavor of tea and coffee. We offer a variety of water coolers including options for serving sparkling and flavored water.

vending machines and water filtration in Avondale

Redefine Your Breakroom with an Avondale Micro-Market

vending service and micro markets in Avondale

Upgrade your breakroom with our Avondale micro-market service. An attractive automated convenience store in your Avondale breakroom. We will work with you to create a custom mix of refreshments. Offer salads, sandwiches, trail mix, candy bars, popular national brands, and favorite local treats. Avondale employees will appreciate the convenience of a micro-market, which brings nutritious meals, tasty snacks, and refreshing beverages onsite. We also use modern technology at the self-serve kiosk, which accepts multiple payment options. Running your micro-market is effortless. We’ll take care of maintenance, restocking, and security so you don’t have to lift a finger.

Create an Extraordinary Breakroom with an Avondale Office Pantry

office pantry service and beverage vending machines in Avondale

Offer your employees a first-class experience by creating an Avondale office pantry in your breakroom. This Avondale breakroom solution provides complimentary refreshments to your hardworking employees. It is a cost-effective employee benefit that helps boost morale and attracts new talent. We will create an office pantry that matches your Avondale employees’ dietary preferences. Plus, we can work with your budget and space to build a custom solution.

office pantry service and beverage vending machines in Avondale

Transform your Avondale breakroom with Fresh & Easy Markets. Call (888) 300.6450 or complete our contact form to get started.

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