Four Must-Have Snacks for Phoenix Breakrooms

In the modern workplace, taking a break to recharge is vital. It’s even better when there’s something good to eat. With February being National Snack Food Month, it’s the right time to talk about Phoenix office breakroom snacks. If there aren’t delicious and healthy snack foods in your Phoenix, Tucson, or Mesa break area, it might be time for a revamp.

What tasty options should you include? Let Fresh & Easy Markets give you some time-tested ideas. Here are some of our favorites, perfect for your team when they’re on a break.

1. Veggie Slices with Guacamole

Embrace a healthier alternative to chips with veggie slices. These provide a satisfying crunch and are packed with vitamins and minerals. Swap out traditional dips for a delicious serving of guacamole. The combination is sure to please your taste buds and boost your health and wellness goals.

Veggie slices and guac may not be offered in a vending machine but be sure to look for these in your Phoenix micro-market or with your Tucson office pantry items.

2. Apples with Peanut Butter

Phoenix Breakroom Services | Tucson Healthy Snacks | Mesa Office Pantry

Want a snack that will keep you feeling full and focused? Try apples and peanut butter. The apples give a natural sweetness and a great crunch while the peanut butter adds a creamy, savory element. The duo is not only delicious, but provides a healthy dose of fiber and many essential nutrients.

It’s great along with a tall glass of water, preferably filtered water from your  Mesa breakroom. Using a water filtration system boosts your company’s sustainability by removing single-use bottles from landfills. That’s a win-win.

3. Nuts with Dried Fruit Snacks

For a snack that’s both sweet and savory, consider a mix of nuts and dried fruits. This is a classic snack to offer your team for free with Mesa office pantry service or in a Tucson micro-market. It’s a great source of nutrition with healthy fats, protein, and antioxidants. Try it as a pick-me-up for those afternoon slumps.

4. Chocolate Snacks (for Indulging)

Chocolate is the perfect go-to snack to satisfy your sweet tooth. A small stash of dark chocolate is a delight and beats the sweets craving. It’s known for its antioxidant properties and mood-boosting benefits.

Chocolate, of any kind, pairs beautifully with Mesa breakroom beverages. Enjoy with a can of flavored sparkling water or a cup of gourmet office coffee.

Quality Snacks Make the Breakroom Better

As we celebrate Snack Food Month, let’s put the quality of the snacks we offer in the breakroom high on our list. After all, a well-fed team is a happy and productive team.

These snacks and other breakroom services are available from Fresh & Easy Markets. Contact us about upgrading your Phoenix vending to a better breakroom solution. Call (888) 300-6450 today!