Discover Gourmet Coffees and Teas with Our Buckeye Office Coffee and Water Filtration Service

Offer your employees the best gourmet coffees and teas with our Buckeye office coffee service. From creamy lattes to frothy mochaccinos, your team can drink their favorite specialty drinks in your Buckeye breakroom. We provide excellent office coffee equipment such as single-cup brewers and bean-to-cup brewers. With these modern coffee machines, you’ll never have to drink stale coffee again. We also offer a traditional office coffee brewer for serving coffee at meetings and events. Our coffee service also includes essentials such as creamers, sweeteners, and stir sticks so that each cup of coffee is perfect. Improve your breakroom by adding our Buckeye water filtration service. Our plumbed-in floor-standing and countertop water coolers even include options for sparkling and flavored water.

Stand Out with a Customized Buckeye Micro-Market

Add fresh and tasty options to your breakroom with our Buckeye micro-market service. Our micro-markets offer a wide variety of snacks, fresh foods, and beverages. Your Buckeye employees will love the convenience of being able to find lunch options and healthy snacks onsite. This can also save them time and money! This Buckeye breakroom service is open 24/7 so that your employees can stay energized at any time of day. Completely automated, our micro-markets feature security cameras, and a self-serve kiosk that accepts multiple payment methods. Plus, we use the latest technology to track product inventory and restock refreshments.
Satisfy Your Team with a Buckeye
Office Pantry

Boost company loyalty and satisfaction with a Buckeye office pantry service. With free grab-and-go snacks, healthy items, and beverages in your Buckeye breakroom, your staff can stay energized. We make it easy to manage this company perk. Working together, we’ll create a custom menu that meets your needs. Then, we’ll stock your office pantry and provide regular servicing so that it’s always ready for your Buckeye employees to enjoy.