Morale Boosting Office Coffee and Water Filtration Service for Phoenix

vending machine solutions and water filtration service in Phoenix

Fresh & Easy Markets helps employees stay happy with the best Phoenix office coffee service available. Choose from our variety of gourmet coffee brands and cutting-edge coffee brewers. We offer traditional coffee solutions and single-cup coffee brewers in the Phoenix break rooms we serve. Single-cup coffee machines use either coffee pods or whole beans. In fact, a bean-to-cup coffee brewer ensures your employees can create any coffee drink they want, fresh! Whole coffee beans are ground fresh and brewed in seconds to make espresso, lattes, cappuccinos, and more. In addition to delicious office coffee, we can also provide you with break-time essentials, such as cups, sugar, creamers, etc. Bring back the workplace water cooler experience with our Phoenix water filtration service. We will place a floor-standing or countertop unit in your break room that removes chemicals and impurities in your water. The result is fresh, clean-tasting water that delights employees and brews exceptional office coffee and hot tea.

vending machine solutions and water filtration service in Phoenix

Phoenix Micro-Markets that Reinvent the Break Room

snack vending machines and micro markets in Phoenix

Get something better than Phoenix vending machines for your break room. Fresh & Easy Markets offers micro-markets that transform your break area! The open design allows for hundreds of products, including fresh food items such as salads and sandwiches. There are also dozens of snack and drink options in sizes and flavors not available in vending service. That means more choices for your Phoenix employees, which makes them happier! Plus, they will love shopping in your break room, as it saves time, and is easy. The self-checkout kiosk takes all forms of payment, including mobile wallets. It also means your Phoenix micro-market is always open, full of a variety of refreshments 24/7 to nourish your team.

Rich Office Pantry Service Tailored for Phoenix Businesses

office pantry service and healthy vending service in Phoenix

Our Phoenix office pantry service can be the ultimate perk for busy employees. We find the products your employees want and ensure they are available in your Phoenix break room. Everything is complimentary, so employees can grab and go with ease, saving time and staying nourished. Offering these selections of fresh and frozen food, snacks, and drinks also makes them feel valued. This can help with Phoenix employee retention and even hiring. Fresh & Easy Markets is dedicated to helping you ensure the office pantry is always full by finding the right products and providing a detailed invoice for what’s been consumed.

office pantry service and healthy vending service in Phoenix

Transform your Phoenix breakroom with Fresh & Easy Markets. Call (888) 300.6450 or complete our contact form to get started.

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